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Goodbye!We'll se you faggots in the next lifetime.......

Fuck Off

Well,its the last page of the website and wow,wasn't that a good time! Well,actually your computer screens have prolly busted by now after seeing this website.Armageddon has broke lose....Not really.

  Goodbye From Mike!

Fuck all of you fuckin moronz.Yes,you are a fucking moron to have checked out this website.Sign the guestbook anyway because as you can see,no one has signed it yet.oh,yeah all of you assholes can go fuck yourselves.What a great time!I'd rather watch static television....

Goodbye,my friendz...

Have a nice life.....and make sure not to fuck it up.If you listen to the song Rest Of My Life  by Kottonmouth Kingz while viewing this page its kinda kool.

Kottonmouth Kingz Official Website


Here's A Random Website for yas!(If you are not 18 yrs. or older,do not click this link!)

Random Website

Its A Mountain!

Such A Beatiful Mountain!

Don't you just love the sunset.Its kinda like the nighttime is saying goodbye,but instead of just saying "goodbye",it is really trying to say "FUCK OFF AND DIE!"